About Alt
- We're fanatically obsessed with culture.
We create innovative solutions that help brands
participate in the cultural conversation.
Footsteps is a 17-year-old, New York–based integrated communications agency that focuses on Cultural marketing and consulting. We ask insightful questions. We uncover new truths. Walk with us.
We fuse a brand's image to a consumer's culture, engineering fierce, undeniable loyalty.
We've pioneered the practice of Cultural Advertising to help our clients thrive in an unforgiving, changeable America where the rules are constantly changing.
We Believe
Culture changes by the minute. By 2025, more than half of families with children in the United States are expected to be multicultural. More than half. By 2050, the United States will be a country where minorities are the new majority.
We Believe
It's not just about race. Consumers participate in a variety of cultures at an early age. They transcend traditional ethnic boundaries—sampling cultures outside of their birth environment and defining themselves by their unique likes and dislikes. They create their own cultural values in the new America.
We Believe
Each brand will find different answers. And these answers provide insight and understanding that our clients don’t find anywhere else.