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PNC Bank case history goes here.
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Gillette shapes a unique dialogue with stylish young urban consumers.
Utilizing Andre 3000, Adrien Brody and Gael Garcia Bernal, the Gillette Fusion ProGlide Styler launch signaled a unique opportunity to target urban male audiences worldwide. Footsteps suggested Andre 3000, helped define his role and that of spokespersons overall in this international campaign. The collective celebrity presence helped authenticate Gillette's first foray into the shaping of hair rather than its removal. Produced on consultant basis with BBDO.


Nissan discovers African American consumers process Design differently.
Prevailing wisdom dictated that African Americans bought cars on the basis of style alone. With Footsteps’ help, Nissan found that African Americans perceive style as a strong indicator of function and performance. Armed with this deeper knowledge, Nissan crafted more focused communication, drawing a larger share of AA’s to consider their already stylish product offerings. 


It’s a project, not a product, when shopping at Lowe’s.
African Americans prefer to buy a wide range of items for a project when shopping for home improvement supplies. Footsteps uncovered this insight and shared it with Lowe’s, who altered their more singularly focused communication in order to reach this coveted consumer.

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Visa connects with a redefined segment for its Prepaid Debit card.
Visa detected an underserved part of the spending population, whom they referred to as the “under-banked”; a consumer who created an alternative financial pathway outside of the banking system—using check cashing outlets, money orders and cash. After re-assessing and re-naming them “Urban Strivers, Footsteps helped Visa grow their Prepaid Debit Card business by generating and amplifying word-of-mouth among this newly identified, profitable segment.